The Tail Hair Strikes
Star Name

The Tail Hair Strikes

Part of the Lion celestial complex

ضرب الأسد بهلبته

Star Names

The Tail Hair Strikes (darb al-asad bi hulbatihi)

The Tail Hair Strikes are part of the Arabian megaconstellation of the Lion (al-asad). These stars mark the places where the coarse Tail Hair (al-hulba) of the Lion hit the ground as it was running.

The Tail Hair Strikes (darb al-asad bi hulbatihi) as they appear in the west about 45 minutes before sunrise in early March.

The Tail Hair Strikes (darb al-asad bi hulbatihi) as they appear in the west about 45 minutes before sunrise in early March. Sky simulations made with Stellarium.


Two pairs of moderately bright stars, each pair containing stars that are very close to the other.

Modern Identification

ν UMA (Alula Borealis), yellow star, magnitude 3.5
ξ UMA (Alula Australis), yellow-white star, magnitude 3.8
λ UMA (Tania Borealis), blue star, magnitude 3.5
μ UMA (Tania Australis), yellow star, magnitude 3.1


The Tail Hair Strikes set at almost the same time, but they rose three weeks apart. On account of the precession of the equinoxes, today we can expect to observe the Tail Hair Strikes setting in late April, and rising in mid-August and early September, as seen from the latitude of Tucson. (See How to Observe on the About page for more on this topic.)

Rain Stars

The Tail Hair Strikes of the Lion do not figure in the calendar of the rains stars.

Lunar Stations

The Tail Hair Strikes of the Lion are not one of the lunar stations.

 Related Stars and Celestial Complexes

The Tail Hair Strikes are part of the Lion (al-asad, الأسد) folkloric celestial complex, which extends from the Two Forearms (adh-dhira’an, الذراعان) to the Two Shanks (as-saqan, الساقان).

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