Star Names
The Shoulder Blade (al-‘atiq)
The Shoulder Blade is part of the Henna-Dyed Hand (al-kaf al-khadib) of Thuraya, a brilliant star cluster that was anthropomorphized as a female figure. One of two Hands, the Henna-Dyed Hand is longer than the Amputated Hand (al-kaf al-jadhma’) and features several well-defined elements.

The Shoulder Blade (al-‘atiq) as it appears in the west about 45 minutes before sunrise in early November. Sky simulations made with Stellarium.
A pair of stars (according to as-Sufi), or perhaps a single star (Ibn Qutayba), located between the Upper Arm and Thuraya.
Modern Identification
ζ PER, blue supergiant, magnitude 2.85
ο PER (Atik), blue-white star, magnitude 3.83
The Shoulder Blade sets about the time that the Follower (ad-dabaran) sets. Ibn Qutayba (d. 879 CE) reported that the Follower was said to set on the morning of November 26. On account of the precession of the equinoxes, today we can expect to observe the Shoulder Blade setting in mid-December and rising at the end of May, as seen from the latitude of Tucson. (See How to Observe on the About page for more on this topic.)
Rain Stars
The Shoulder Blade does not figure among the rain stars.
Lunar Stations
The Shoulder Blade is not one of the lunar stations.
Related Stars and Celestial Complexes
The Shoulder Blade is part of the Hands of Thuraya (aydi ath-thuraya, أيدي الثريا) folkloric celestial complex. The Shoulder connects the Henna-Dyed Hand (al-kaf al-khadib, الكف الخضيب) to Thuraya itself (ath-thuraya, الثريا).